Friday, September 20, 2013

Benefit of Cucumber

THE BENEFIT OF CUCUMBER Cucumbers soothe skin irritations, prevent water retention and are rich in water, fibre and beneficial minerals. It’s no wonder then that beauty products contain this beneficial vegetable. So, who has not heard about the wonders cucumber pads can do for tired/over strained eyes? Just cut two slices of cucumber, lie down somewhere comfortable, relax and place the cucumber slices over your eyes. As they work their refreshing magic, in a matter of minutes, you can feel the puffiness and tiredness in your eyes being washed away by the moist cucumber. If you want happy skin, cucumber is your answer, say beauty experts. As cucumber and the skin share the same level of hydrogen, it becomes easy for cucumber to mask all the problem areas. It helps in soothing and softening your skin so you feel relaxed in no time. Scientifically known as Cucumis sativus, the cucumber belongs to the same family as watermelon, zucchini, pumpkin and other types of squash. Ever wondered how the phrase “cool as a cucumber” originated? Perhaps this is due to cucumber’s high water content (90 per cent) which lends it a unique moist and cooling taste. Cucumber also contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and caffeic acid, both of which soothe skin irritations. These two acid compounds prevent water retention, which is why cucumbers applied topically are helpful for swollen eyes, burns and dermatitis. Its hard skin is rich in fibre and contains a variety of beneficial minerals, including silica, potassium and magnesium. The silica in cucumber is an essential component of healthy connective tissues, which include muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone. This is why beauty experts recommend drinking cucumber juice as a source of silica to improve the complexion and health of the skin. Cucumbers are thought to have originated more than 10,000 years ago in southern Asia. Early explorers introduced this vegetable to India and other parts of Asia, and later to the United States. It was popularly used during the ancient civilisations of Egypt, Greece and Rome, not only as a food source but also for its skin healing properties. Now that you know how good cucumbers are for you and your skin, besides eating them, you may want to slather some on your skin as well.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Tips for Young Entrepreneur

1.Don’t be Afraid to ask for Help Entrepreneurs are typically positive and optimistic by nature. Young entrepreneurs have a lot of confidence, in particular. That can be awesome, but it can also be damaging. The road to success is paved not just with mistakes, but “with mistakes well handled.” How can you handle those mistakes well if you have no clue what you’re doing ? Sometimes it’s intuition, sometimes it’s luck, but usually it’s solid advice that gets you through. If a person truly wants to help you out, then you should consider sharing your most challenging issues. The key, always, is genuinely meaning it. Create true relationships and ask for help. It makes the right kind of difference. 2.Establish a Meaningful Online Presence The first thing people will do is Google your name. And what they should see is an expansive, thoughtful presence that shows you understand, use, and make the most of the web. If you don’t have a blog, start one and write regularly. Remember that Google is your ultimate homepage. Fill it with your social media accounts, get the right coverage and links. You'll find that your insights and communication will be judged the same way, regardless of your age. 3.Give Real Value Back to the Community What you get out of a community is almost always less important than what you put into it. And youth is definitely no excuse for not getting involved and not creating real value for others. "Becoming an expert on a subject has nothing to do with age. “The easiest way to get there is to create... whether you blog, speak or host events, share your ideas and vision with others.” 4.Make an Impact at Events for Your Industry Make sure to select events that will be chock-full of people who care about the industry you’re in and the problem you’re trying to solve. Make friends at the social events, after-parties, and networking sessions. You don't have to collect business cards, but aim to create at least two solid relationships each day. Another option is to create your own event. 5.Don't Take Yourself too Seriously It’s one thing to be a young entrepreneur. It’s another to pretend you’re not. If your blog posts are too serious, your Facebook comments too well structured, and your Twitter bio too professional, you’re over thinking it. Have some fun. Joke with other people in your space. Share hilarious videos. Write a blog post with a section on technical disruption of the middle ages. 6.Build Something that Deserves Recognition No matter how many people you ask for help, how thorough your online persona is, or how much value you create for the community, if what you’re building isn’t worth the recognition, you’re out of luck. “Respect is born out of track record and accomplishment, not age, profession, or title. Ultimately that thing you're working on, that thing you keep talking about, that thing that has grown to define you has to be good — preferably great. If related goals come at the expense of building something less awesome then you’re doing it wrong. "To earn respect, regardless of age, you simply need to hustle and crush